DBT-ACES Skills Training Manual for Clients

Please contact cspartrainings@uw.edu to order the manual
Featuring over 48 handouts and assignments, this skills training manual includes all of the fundamental skills of DBT-ACES. These innovative skills offer a way to stretch across the divide for the client who successfully completed Standard DBT and hasn’t achieved their life worth living ambitions to work, go to school, or be self-sufficient.
In this manual, you will find useful and accessible content on DBT-ACES skills training and overall structure and contingencies that are needed in order to make significant progress and gain momentum towards life worth living goals. This manual includes all of the components of DBT-ACES skills groups, including all of the skills handouts and assignments developed over a period of 20 years at the University of Washington and Harborview Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Published for the first time, these expanded skills modules focus on understanding principles of reinforcement, considering alternatives to perfectionism, establishing and re-evaluating relationships and community mapping, managing time effectively, succeeding in usual care after DBT, and utilizing advanced strategies to apply mindfulness techniques and to regulate emotions. Through this novel DBT-ACES skills training curriculum, clients will create new capabilities to achieve their employment, relationship, and independence goals.